.. “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.” Nehemiah 2:18B NKJV
God is a builder!
We were made in His image to steward the garden.
Satan is only a destroyer.
God called Noah to build the ark.
“Build a large boat from cypress wood and waterproof it with tar, inside and out. Then construct decks and stalls throughout its interior.” Genesis 6:14 NLT
God called Moses to build the tabernacle.
- Have the people make an Ark of acacia wood ..
Exodus 25:10A NLT - .. The craftsmen must make everything as I have commanded you.
Exodus 31:11B NLT - Salomon built the temple.
- Solomon decided to build a Temple to honor the name of the Lord..
2 Chronicles 2:1A NLT
Cyrus was moved to build the temple.
“This is what King Cyrus of Persia says: “The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. He has appointed me to build him a Temple at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.” Ezra 1:2 NLT
“Then God stirred the hearts of the priests and Levites and the leaders of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple of the Lord.” Ezra 1:5 NLT
Nehemiah had a passion to rebuild the city of God.
“but I replied, “Long live the king! How can I not be sad? For the city where my ancestors are buried is in ruins, and the gates have been destroyed by fire.”” Nehemiah 2:3 NLT
God is the builder!
“Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.” Psalms 127:1 NLT
God’s masterpiece is you and I in Christ … and His Church, the Body!
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT
Mission of the church as we have studied:
- Preaching and teaching
- Making disciples
- Fellowship
- Worship
- Missions and evangelism
- Maturity of the believer
- Ministry in the home
- Ministry to material needs
We seek after the Lord from a pure heart, clear conscience, and with clean hands.
Have a culture of love, lifestyle of faith, yielded to the Holy Spirit, grounded in solid doctrine. Bringing forth fruit in due time. Flowing in the Holy Ghost.
Sanctified, holy, set apart for the Lord!
“But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.” Psalms 92:12-14 NLT
.. if you desire to hold on to your sin and carnal nature: you’ll be miserable here.
.. if you’re stingy, you’ll hate this church.
.. if you don’t want to change, this is not your place.
.. and if you choose to hold on to your life, you won’t find comfort here!
.. if you like religion and poverty, you’ll have to find another church.
You will change, love, walk in power, grow in faith, find your assignment and fulfill your call!
You’ll be blessed excessively!
- It’s time to be blessed.
- Time to see Rivers flow.
- Time to hear the gospel go forth.
- Time to demonstrate what a local church is.
- Time to show God’s glory in Finland.
- Time to send a new wave of missionaries to the nations.
The Church is the vessel bringing the lost in. And the Church is the place where God’s presence is manifested.
God is still a builder… it’s time to rise and build!
Regarding the offering:
- It’s time for a new headquarters…
“The Lord said to Moses, “Tell the people of Israel to bring me their sacred offerings. Accept the contributions from all whose hearts are moved to offer them. Here is a list of sacred offerings you may accept from them: gold, silver, and bronze; Exodus 25:1-3 NLT
- Offering is always holy.
““And now, because of my devotion to the Temple of my God, I am giving all of my own private treasures of gold and silver to help in the construction. This is in addition to the building materials I have already collected for his holy Temple.” 1 Chronicles 29:3 NLT
“Then the family leaders, the leaders of the tribes of Israel, the generals and captains of the army, and the king’s administrative officers all gave willingly.” 1 Chronicles 29:6 NLT
- Your offering are an expression of true love and become a declaration that inspires others
“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NLT