“Give me revival or give me death.”
- There is nothing in organized christianity that I have any desire for.
- Constant willingness to change and to move .. There is “security” and “safety” in established structures that cannot contain life.
- Hunger & thirst.
- New Testament reality: The Glory of God inside of you
- Yielding & moving with God’s Spirit
- Refreshing is in His presence (repentance required)
- Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
(no religion, tradition, compromise – flesh has cravings for comfort and fixed life, Spirit is moving)
- Truly to follow the leading of God’s Spirit, not people’s opinions, following the voice of God
- Constantly adapt & change
- Lord will not wait for us, if we decide to stay put when he is moving.
- Each generation has to contend for the supernatural.
- We cannot become “acceptable” losing what God has given us and what he has for us.
- No compromise, no fitting in
- It’s your choice whether you enter in, or just look what others are doing.
- It’s necessary that we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us.
- If persecution causes you to draw back, you’ll end up with nothing. Anointing flows under pressure.
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