New Year, New Season 2
- Everything precious, eternal, stable and heavenly has been born from the Spirit. (1. Cor. 2:1-5 FB38)
- We get to pursuit a heavenly purpose from a pure heart to fulfil Kingdom plans (2 Tim 2:22).
- Word of God preached in the anointing will do a work of sifting, exposing, and judging of purposes and thoughts. (Hebr. 4:12 FB38)
- Apostle Paul was careful to make sure the faith of the new church would be in the power of God, and not in the wisdom of men.
- We are running a heavenly race. One day we’ll give an account personally before the Lord about how we have stewarded the plan God gave us.
- Let the purposes and plans of your life and heart be born of the Spirit of God.