Would You Like To Get Well?

Jesus came to heal all

”And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.” Acts 10:38 NLT

  • Whenever Jesus shows up, there is an answer to every problem and in Him, every promise is yes and amen.
  • The Word is true today. He has never changed (Heb. 13:8)
  • Jesus showed us the way and He has empowered His church with the same Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8).
  • Sickness has no choice but to listen to words of faith. Faith is of full persuasion.
  • Christ has redeemed you from sickness (Deut. 28)

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil

But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 8:3 (NLT)

Sickness is an agent of death, it is from the devil.

  • Our God is still the rock, the great saviour and the great physician that you can run to.
  • Tell the Lord that you’ve come to receive from His hand today.
  • One touch from the hand of the master changes everything. The Word of the Lord still heals the sick. He is the great healer!

”Take up your mat and walk!” (John 5:1-11)

  • Keep your eyes off the natural but on Him! Don’t miss out on what God wants to do.
  • The moment Jesus shows up, the wait is over.

Do not tolerate sickness and disease

  • Take time to resist the devil. You are a child of God and your body is the temple of the holy God!
  • Whatever is against the creation of God, resist it and attack it.
  • What you allow to stay in your life is permitted to stay. Take a stand and say no – enough is enough!
  • Get the Word in you. It is the light of the Word that brings change.